Waiting out the tornadoes. (The power remained off for another three days.)
The cat did not want to pose for our holiday card.
Some day, they’ll forget they were ever this age.
And if you’ll forgive me for stealing a line from Oliver Wood, watching my kids play feels like I’m shaking hands with time.
State fair.
Three hour set from Lyle and the Large Band.
I hate the type of crowds that show up to shows like this. But, goddam he’s an incredible performer.
There’s delicate improvisational poetry to making a historic baseball call. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever hear another one as good as these two…
In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened.
Vin Sculley after Gibson’s walk-off World Series game 1 in 1988
We will see you…tomorrow night!
Joe Buck in the 11th inning of Game 6. (All you have to say is “Game 6”.)
But tonight surprised me.
One out away…from forever.
Michael Kay before the final out of Domingo German’s perfect game
I’d love to know if he had that line ready-to-go in his back pocket.
Walking along a path by the lake after dinner.
H: Look, there’s a pigeon in the water.
A: No, it’s a duck.
H: Wait, no. It’s a tire.
A: Hold on, it’s a duck, a tire and a pigeon.