Taco Thursday
Walking around downtown this weekend.
New poster for my office at work.
Halfway through Cake’s Comfort Eagle (whole album), my son says
What kind of music is this?
I turn to the back seat of the car
90s post-grunge slacker pop.
Pause. And then from him
Oh. That was…specific.
Hugs goodnight while on a business trip
So Beyond. Past Bed and Bath. Into the Beyond. Balls.
Fuck. That was…not easy.
Passive aggressive sticky note behind the Dillard’s kids section cash register.
Driving to my sister’s house for Christmas Eve dinner, my son asks if Disney Land is named after Disney+
At home from school for Thanksgiving break.
H: Aaron, do you want to play house with my dolls?
A: No.
H: How about we play with your cars?
A: OK!
H: They can’t be race cars. They have to be family cars. This is the mommy car, the daddy car, the baby car.
A: OK!